Ad a certain point I stopped the quest Vashj'Ir to go to Mount Hyjal. As
Vashj'Ir before you take this on board in one of the capitals, but this time to reach the region does not take a ship, but a portal and then a dragon ...
Yeah, Ragnaros is back and the whole mountain is besieged by the elementary school. Hyjal quests to focus on two aspects: to reject the elementary and Twilight Hammer on the one hand, allow the return of the Guardian Ancient other.
So you start with the defense of Nordrassil , came to the elementary World Tree, but their number is minimum and is easy to extirpate. We move quickly to Circle of Cinders, the next valley. It 's the most beautiful valley of Hyjal (even because half of the mountain is burned ... hehe), especially the shining stream and vegetation. Here is Malfurion Stormrage, just back dall'Emerald Dream ... but this time I want to be short (tonight I want to be able to do my first two dungeons Cataclysm) for which the rest is very summary.
Proceed to the region from above, coming down from valley to valley and seeing the return of the guardians. First of all Goldrinn , a powerful white wolf, then Aviana , the harpy (Also white), Aessina instead simply drain a large part of the mountain that was burning and was full of elementary Malorni (the deer) does not return, but on the other hand next to his temple we can save Tortolla , the adorable big turtle (I like turtles ...).
Sanctuary of Malorni |
Sometimes they gather Twilight Hammer is a portal that opens a passage to the Elemental Plane of Fire .
Finally we come to the outpost earlier that we have seen destroyed on arrival in Hyjal, shortly before he returned Ragnaros. A group of soldiers stands in a dilapidated inn, but does not take much to get them back on the front line.
At this point an interesting series of quests, where you infiltrate as recruits into the Twilight Hammer to save a hero of the War of the Ancients, Jarod Shadowsong . It 's a fun part, because you put two groups of internal Twilight against each other ... Well suffice it to say that the final quest requires you to make a speech to incite a faction against the other, allowing us to escape and Jarod Shadowsong.
destroyed the outpost earlier |
Sulfuron Spire |
With Jarod to our hips, we can only to return Cenarius then lash out in front of Ragnaros Sulfuron Spire . And in fact this is the final quest of Mount Hyjal, we I leave and go back to the video Vashj'Ir!
(Well it was pretty obvious that it would run away ... I bet you'll see you soon ...)
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