Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where To Buy Damask Wrapping Paper


Free . This evening and tonight. After a period between Lusco and sharp, which is made a little 'maintenance, started to become familiar with the Blender 2.5, the purpose of re-writing tutorial biped with the necessary adjustments ... ... Discovering that a little 'out of laziness, a little' for real practical need to reflect on my cases, the effort of the company was higher than expected ...

The reflection was also useful if expensive, laziness is melting in good standing with the arrival of spring, I feel this year will take many by surprise at the end of winter just lazy and thoughtful. I finished the escort of peanuts, and is now going out again in the world.

And then the music Marcus has now become part of my everyday life. His intense, pounding, relentless power forward something which I can no longer resist. To be taken before and after meals and whenever you need to leave creativity, physical and mental, in your small portion of the atmosphere. And then beyond it. In the face of the many who know the freedom and creativity will always find a way to be wary. Free.

More details soon. This time very soon. Free. Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

not. Could not resist!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where To Find Hog Casings In Chicago

Nostalgia ...

There are times when I take the nostalgia of our cat ... Maybe because the other side of the world there is fear and suffering to go go ... Maybe because I read the post Jeanene when it comes to animals mistreated and treated by her and her family ... Perhaps because, even though I tell him that the ham is a piece of an animal, my son continues to eat it ... Or perhaps, simply, I just miss.

Wherever you are ... I wish you a great deal of good, pious brother from 'light!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Should A Lohri Invitation Look

Brothers trees

I "stumbled" into this ... Everything for us ...

Barbie Diamond Myspace

Together ... is better! The blog of "comply-

This morning I read an interesting post in the blog of Ross .
This is a character, those who do not easily forget, because of the wisdom that shines only look at him, with much to say ... Hernan Huarache Mamani .
You can see his website here . The thing that I wanted to emphasize is that, looking at photos the "school" that he founded, seem to be made in a Waldorf school !
I think it's fantastic to think that there is a school that teaches " to peace and life " should be granted, no? But apparently it is not so ... The proof is the growing number of people practicing the homeschooling, because they understand that this school system should not be ...
As a teacher of primary school, unfortunately, I realize that the reality of schools should really change: by the municipality are funds for facilities, state laws that protect not come, parents do not come together in co-education, considering the school a "parking" and only one responsible for the education of his son! Well, I can say out loud that in my school and especially in my group (that I know well!), Do not think so and every day we try to make the lives of our children nice, interesting, but also happy! It takes so much to think positive?!? Maybe I'm one of the few lucky people to pay them for something that I like (in fact I could not think of a best job of teaching, by removing naturally be a mother, but this is an 'other page ... ) and then I get up in the morning with the desire and the serenity to go to a place where I meet people with whom I am well, when you love someone and where you want to do well ... I'm not harping on, folks, is the reality in which I live and work, sometimes (often, indeed!) Several hours longer than it should, because I do not mind!
Here ... perhaps a principle of the Mamani lives in our school, right?

In Steiner schools (and sing praises to be exorcised by someone other ...) is the right environment, but of course are the people that make the difference ... just like in school (and as in any other field of work !!!). And my colleagues do not even have that bit of knowledge I have that Steiner!

Usually, in my blog, does not address the arguments of polemic, but this morning I just want to launch and receive a message of reflection on this: education in Italy - or the world? - has to change ... Well, let's do something! .... Well, I think already is moving something ! I parents "thinking the" are those who understand that you have to have give ... What!? Availability change, first in ourselves and then in the reality around him, to get to the city and then the rest ...

The difference between the public and private school does not do the teaching method, but and persons who may apply or not.
Before obtaining the transfer into the school and team in which I had every intention of opening a my school (private), because I was really disgusted by the people with whom I worked, they had a vision of the school that is the typical one described above, passive, pessimistic and flat of school life (and life in general !!!). Then I saw that the school is also more in public buildings and realized I can be myself, so you can give the same "service" without paying parents: a nice savings and a good gain in only once (in all other aspects)!

Of course there are problems, but are best dealt with . And if the small mirrors the large, repeat what was said: be willing to change to change the rest .
It also increases their availability and especially Compare: The blogs are really sharing the precious treasures and sources of inspiration.

I like to think that in addition to the school, the points of concern for the other parents are thinking, as confirmed Elisa , because our world is like Our house: every room should be tidied every day ... But if we do so with the help of someone, do before and with less effort!

good Sunday and a good week to everybody!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where To Buy Airsodt In Vaughan


No. .. I say ... I own this book is missing!
This blog , with all 'ste recipes?? I participate! You never know!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Much Cost Cataract Surgery In India

Interview with a consultant from La Leche League

Nahele to 7 months

promised, here is the interview I did for my friend, adviser de La Leche League . ..

Dear Laura, six from the La Leche League consultant and why you decided to become one?
are Consultant in June 2007, I decided to become one after taking part in meetings held in Vigevano by Michael and Silvia C. I left the meeting relieved, relaxed, relaxed. I found a place where you can tell where I felt understood, where I had an extra-terrestrial, no one looked at me wrong when breastfeeding a child of three years from having another give birth soon. I understood
that most of the mothers had my own doubts. The meetings have not only found answers, I found above all the strength and support that allowed me to follow my instincts. I understand that there are rules and protocols with the children, every child is different and every mother is different, there can be no ready-made answers that fit all situations. But if we stop to listen and learn, if we slow down our pace, if we find the courage to follow our hearts, then the road with our son is all downhill. I decided to become a consultant because I wanted to help moms find each its response, the real one, that of his own heart. When mammma and kids fall in love each other then you have happy moms and happy children. Breast-feeding is a means to achieve this goal, he replies, with a single gesture, the basic needs for the child (nutrition, heat, need protection and love) and those of the mother (increased self-esteem, bonding aids, and why not, an aid also finances because the mother's milk is free!). If a consultant in my path I will have helped even one mother and child then it will be worth it.

How much and what did you study to become?
To be eligible for placement I have read and commented on several books (on childbirth, breastfeeding, education, play), I studied the books edited by La Leche League, 2 Libron dedicated healthcare professionals to have the right technical expertise, and then of course "The art of breastfeeding", our best seller!

What do you like best about this picture?
A lot of things, the fact that you always have someone to turn to, in consultation with which to confront the most difficult, the fact that help for free but still in a very professional, ringraziomenti of the mothers and the children's smiles.

What are the most common problems?
... I went to periods of months where there are call me because they want to wean all grown-up children, then maybe it is the period of premature infants, there was the time of children with problems of regurgitation ... . the period of congestion ... many mothers call just to confirm, even after someone shot their judgments serious ("He's 15 months and still suck! become gay!" or "You do not want to let it grow and is glad that you sleep with him in Latvian, but he hurts, you will need a psychologist to be great ") in this case, just listen to them and reassure them ...
is often enough a word, a laugh and his mother alone understands that, behind these sentences, there are only prejudices and founded nothing. Moreover
a mother to her first child is submerged in a flood of tips, all seem to be more competent than she, often call me insecure mothers overwhelmed by doubts and conflicting suggestions. I do not do anything, listen, listen to their worries and auito to understand than it really is all very simple ... the child's needs and the mother does nothing wrong in meeting! Breastfeeding on demand is based on this, and if it is actually conducted "on demand" the mother's womb will calibrate itself and produce exactly the amount needed for your child. We are mammals, we can be instinctive! Sometimes it is really difficult to get across concepts very simple because we have followed all his life plans, schedules, clocks, quantity ... it's so hard to think that our body can alone produce a food so perfect for our baby yet so! The vast majority of mothers can nurse their pups (probably 98%) and most of the problems can be solved with trivial devices. Sometimes you just know that you are not alone, that the emotions you feel are "normal" that the flood of hormones that makes us cry at all after childbirth affects a large percentage of women in different ways to deal with motherhood . read "our" magazine (From Mother to Mother, it is can receive at home by supporting the Association with a minimum of € 30.00) so full of testimonials, letters from mothers who are past, feelings can certainly help to increase self-esteem!

What do you expect for the future?
I really hope that the correct information about breastfeeding is becoming more common, and this thanks to the Internet ... and thanks to La Leche League (our site had in 2010 over 1 million hits!) is already happening!
I hope that every mother will find the support they need, that we return to consider the artificial formula as an excellent substitute to be used as the fourth choice (after the mother's milk "on tap", after the mother's milk and pulled NOT administered by bottle after milk from a milk bank always given with an alternative to bottle feeding, Finally, if these three options are not available, here you will administer the artificial formula).
I also hope that groups like La Leche League, honest, where every penny that enters is registered and where budgets are transparent they survive! We need support (including financial) to enable Leche League to exist, in order to help more mothers, in order to train new consultants in exposed areas and to bring Leche League in nations where it still is not presente.Leche League does not exist to make money, but needs money to exist. I hope they do not touch the 5 x 1000 (Tax Code to support: 98039910173) and more people decide to allocate it to our association!
In April (8-9) at Trevi (PG) meeting there will be an opportunity for consultants to update (and for anyone who is interested), I hope that like last year again this year many are present health professionals!!

Thanks to Laura and to all mothers-consultants LLL!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lincoln Pizza Ovencarbon Monoxide

Changes ... This

Yes, I know I changed the background yet ... But now is the right one I was looking for!
Spring is around the corner and I really feel like so much green!
Sunday, me and my "men", we had a nice bike ride in the countryside near here ... I feel that our home is here in the woods, somewhere ... Is about to discover ...

Meanwhile, a few things:

As I said, spring is coming, and I want to start rolling up my sleeves ...
I began by ordering seeds stevia of loofah and sunflower qu the I hope they arrive soon, and bear fruit ...

good week *

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Replacement Antenna Boombox Sony

( Soule mama inspired)
A single photo - no words - to capturing moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, remember and savor.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kaya Skin Ckinic Laser Hair Reduction Review

moment are what you eat

Today I had in mind two or three little things to talk about ... and it seems that the 'whole universe has brought me to these so insistent, as soon as I could put myself in front a PC, I had left and right directions to do it ... SAY ':
my recipes --- --- Veganblog my entry in the Leche League
And everything is obviously connected! But first things first ...

Perhaps I have said before, but my second passion is cooking: years ago I was about to open a French restaurant (and almost vegetarian) , but was then presented " a series of unfortunate events that have changed the order of things and my street has become a nightmare for me and my husband ( all while I found out she is pregnant!). Evidently " fate has much more fantasy no i", so from there to the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant is gone, but has come back my love, teaching, leading to the state of happiness that I live now 2 years (before the mess with people, however, I made it pretty soon too!) And luckily, because in that time I literally lost the desire to cook !
Slowly I recovered (thanks to my husband!) And I rediscovered the joy of creating and inventing. Not only that I became a vegetarian (can I say? I eat fish and eggs only once in a while ...) and , even though my husband sometimes eats meat, game, we are on your way to becoming vegan!
Hence my search last year, especially, of recipes that could satisfy our power in accordance with our health and that could show our families that we are not crazy or alternative but just eat things that we like and feel good in body and spirit (the last time I ate a slice of dried beef, three years ago, I had the image in the eyes of a cow that was coming to slaughter : I received the distinct feeling of dread! Perhaps it had been a number of hormone escaped the controls of fear in that box ...)
is why I think my creativity has achieved levels of good and I throw myself: I linked the site / Blog Veganblog , already followed by a bit, 'and I said " why not? "I sent the recipe for my pie (which I posted in my blog) that I am always right, whatever the variation of ingredients and their I have posted the next day ... Fantastic!
People who have entered comments were all kind and made me feel really appreciated! A shot of considerable self-esteem! These
(without taking anything away from the other, of course!) I found Mirko in his blog that speaks not only recipes, but also of topics on my same wavelength! In fact ... we are the third "little thing "Today": to combine breastfeeding and weaning vegan ... You can read the post on his blog ... and the other has a beautiful picture!

education in respect of other living beings part of the respect that we put to ourselves: and then I would spread like wildfire (evo, of course ...) the knowledge that wean a baby at 4 months is forcing a as his delicate digestive system to accept substances for which it is not ready yet! And if we add that the pediatrician "advise" the mother of to put a bell'omogeneizzato calf ... well then ...
La Leche League (which I will devote a separate post, because I interviewed a friend of mine consultant) eg. gives information on how you might wean your child, respecting his times and the naturalness of the process / route taken by the couple mother-child (according to his family reality !!!). When our son was born I was so convinced vegetarian and I had not yet begun to prefer organic foods: its birth has changed a lot!
Now that he's almost 6 and a half years, I began to understand that because his mother does not eat meat of any kind Unfortunately, the example of the grandparents and uncle who live next door, is stronger than that of mom and dad. My husband and I are of the view that it is wrong to force him not to eat meat (as a child still has eaten), but a way of eating healthier, yes!
Again though it clashes with a collective thought that "man has always eaten meat," and this is enough to believe that this is right.
Well, I do not know whether it is more correct or not believe, but you can change direction by virtue of that relation between animals (how many remember that the human being is ?!?), a mammal but it is certain that the style of food that I have undertaken with my husband makes us feel good, in many respects.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

To Become A Wolf Spell

WOW, another award! The "comply-candy

How to thank my friend Patrick's Lavorettienonsolo me so this award pays tribute to chiccoso!?! THANK YOU AND THANK YOU THANKS!
It 'really nice to see how many like-minded people can meet with blogs and how many of these friendships can turn into ...

So ... the rules must be followed when receiving the award:
- thank the donor blogger (fatto. ..)

- tell 7 things about himself ... (Well, we see ...):
  1. I love cats (... mmmh, had not understood!)
  2. I love cooking
  3. I love my job
  4. I like cycling on a sunny day, even if it's cold
  5. my favorite color is ... green, in all its shades, from orange followed by the brown, the blue, yellow and red
  6. I like to read aloud
  7. if I did not the teacher, I would enjoyed doing the voice actress of the Disney cartoons, which have some beautiful songs ...

- donate the award to 10 other popular blog ... OK, here they are:
Well, I've listed (reduced, of course, and grading), also the foreign mothers of two blogs that I feel more loyal, because they were now to be my inspiration for my mom / teacher / blogger going and why they have known of the finest foreign blogs that I follow today.

Thanks to all! It all comes an echo of my house !

Well, I've listed (reduced , of course ), also the foreign mothers of two blogs that I feel more loyal , because they were immidiatly my inspiration for my being a mom / teacher / blogger , and why going from them I met   among the most beautiful foreign blogs that I follow today .

Thanks to all ! To all of you  an echo of my home !

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shot Put Distances For 14 Year Old


As creativity has many faces and many styles, we mark this giveaway ( or candy?) I really like, because ... Well, go and see it here !
Good luck to all and Congratulations to Laura for her birthday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Head For Lanscapes

Sharing for ... Love.

I changed the original picture because, even if it's cold, the first flowers to emerge announce that spring is near ...

Today I absolutely beautiful and important things to tell you that I found!

I start with telling you what happened to me at school Thursday pm: I found that a school employee (Mr. Nicholas) is a Reiki Master .. . I made a micro-activation chacra (which lasts 48 hours ...) and I also turned the stone of rose quartz that (casualmente!!) Wore. From Thursday
are full of energy: I am doing a lot of things (as usual) and positivissima! So much so that I later found Blog Celeste Station, which I follow, this wonderful interview with Ima Sanchez - Nonna Margherita , healer and keeper of the Mayan tradition , raised by his grandmother, who had worked miracles and healing.
"Practice and knows the dance circles the sun, the earth, moon, and the vision quest.
belongs to the indigenous council of elders and is dedicated to plant health and knowledge for the joy that it produces, because it continues to keep farming the land.
When on aircraft and flight attendants give it a new plastic cup, she grabs the first: "No, girl, this ends up to the Mother Earth." Bursting with wisdom and power, is something that can be perceived clearly.
its rituals, like shouting the name of the infant to the ground, to recognize and protect its fruit, are bursts of energy that are good to those who are present, and when you look in the eye and tells you that we are sacred, something moves profound. "
We carry a part of the interview, go to read it entirely here

What is the mission of women ?
teach man to love. When they learned, they will have another way to deal with the woman and mother earth. We must see our bodies as sacred and to know that sex is a sacred act that is the way to make it sweet and fills us with respect. Life comes through this act of love. If you trivialize this, what do you have? Return the sacred power of sexuality change our attitude towards life. When the mind is united to the heart of everything is possible. I want to say something to the world ...
we can use the power of the Great Spirit when they want it. Once you know who you are, your thoughts become reality. I, when I need something, I ask myself. And it works.

... There are many believers who pray to God, and God does not grant.
One thing is begging to order and another to themselves, know what it is' you need. Many employees have become believers, and the spirit is totally free, we must be convinced of this. We were taught to worship instead of worshiping images of ourselves and worship with us.
... We must use our shadow, to be lighter, hone skills, to understand. Then it is easy to treat, to be telepathic and communicate with others, plants, animals. If you decide to live all your skills to do good, life is like.
... My ancestors have left us grandparents custody of knowledge: 'There will come a day when you will return to share in open circles. I believe that the time has arrived.

Maybe a "case" ... but these days my husband has finished reading "Stone Bear" Ann Walker, and is reading "The Mayan Factor" by Jose Arguelles , who to do precisely with the Maya culture and has also written a post ...

In short, the call respect for themselves and for Mother Earth these days is more clear than ever! I feel an incredible change: Love is the only means at our disposal ...
love ourselves, first of all, our "being God" and part of a More ...
respect and reverence for Life ... The Native Americans knew the long ...

Moving on from Veganblog , which now ... (I'm still excited when I think!) I belong I found Greenkika and I thought: "They're stir in the mountains at this time!"

I think the Internet really assist in this: to share and change go hand in hand in our journey toward awareness.

Thanks to all the people I met so far have shared what they are.
Good Sunday to all!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where To Buy Mortons Tender Quick

Slickers (my) town: the balcony, and the fairy pindas

this busy week at school: inter-between, meetings, courses ... Uff!
And I think back to last weekend ... I told we'd gone alone for a relaxing weekend, no? Behold, I and my husband we were in Verona !
Wonder! (Almost) 3 days only and only for us!
Indeed, the Friday evening we had dinner at a English restaurant where we ate the last time we were there, almost 8 years ago ...

Saturday we traveled far and wide (literally!) the city on the Adige Walk (to the face of relaxation ...) ...

... but there are the "taste" ... because it is beautiful!

the evening (fortunately we had booked!) We dined at a cute restaurant bio-vegetarian , "The fairy Zucchini " ...

In their site, that my husband had looked at before you leave, there is his history, the reasons, the to philosophy behind the passion of the operators and menu, which changes every month, because nature changes every month, and they have fruit and vegetables in season and new ideas and inviting.
The few photos I did not unfortunately have come good because of the flash (and my camera is a bit 'Catorcini ...), so do not make good scents and tastes delicious cooked with imagination and presented with passion. Me and my
husband we really felt at home, I just do not cook (for once ...).
He has also tasted the sweets after his vegan menu, but I was satisfied with the traditional menu , so they gave us sweets to take home and advanced them to us we enjoyed during the return journey next day ...
really positive experience, to be repeated as soon as possible. Bravo Bravo (the cooks and the "driving room ")!!!

Sunday morning, last but not least, we were in a spa (also discovered 8 years ago): the Anthea Center, just outside Verona, few km!, is an oasis of relaxation!
We did a program of solar shower, turkish bath, aroma and color therapy with alternating hot and cold water, sauna, whirlpool, and for me (my husband gift for our 10 years together ) a wonderful massage with the pindas , of bundles of cloth, filled with spices (turmeric, caraway and cinnamon), heated to dry and used instead of hands to manipulate and massage. So we went out
dalì light light then we're back home.

A beautiful weekend! We two alone ... not going on for a long time ... Ah, yes, one year: in March last year we've been away for a night Foen near Feltre - BL - to visit a very special church (my husband made the post ).

Nahele Of course we missed, but it was important and beneficial to take some 'time for us, because the children grow and remains the only love that the couple must still be alive, not meeting again after years and discover objects (to themselves and to another !!!).

I thank every day for the past 10 years together, intense and wonderful, from every point of view and from every angle I will look at are the best this life could be in store for me ...

Thank you, my gentle cavalier-poet!
La tua Musa

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Toy Box Building Instructions

Library for homeschooling - post to Daniela. Giveaway of

Dear Daniela, I am.
Because if I wrote in your post , the comment was too long, I take this opportunity to address the issue in my blog!
glad I've been thinking about your request, because it seems strange-but ...- I never thought about what books could be considered more useful or usable in a homeschooling situation. I
a premise (perhaps unnecessary ...): those who choose to do homeschooling or un-schooling has a cultural background and did (or doing) a spiritual path that led him to take that decision (needless to say that we always set it up to us moms, but dads need to be aware of the decision, no?). So I'm sure the books that show you " for parents," surely there will be some who have already read ...
A clarification ... I thought I'd share them in "to parents " and " for children, starting between the ages of 3 and 7 years, since I rely on my experience: our son is just over 6 years and suggest books that helped me to be the mother (and teacher) and who are him to be the lively child / cuddly / intelligent / sensitive / lover of reading aloud (and that's played) it is.
Every Child is a universe in itself, special, extraordinary, precious and we parents can contribute to its bloom , accepting wonder while we undergo : to grow with him !
read, browse the books, telling stories and / or read, sing and dance songs and rhymes is a wonderful way to do it.
I tell you also that my being pro-Steiner does not mean to preclude other philosophies of life and pedagogical fact: every thought of others can serve to improve as people, as parents, as teachers ... You never stop learning!
That said, here's my list ...
"For parents" :

  • lovingly raised AA.VV. La Leche League and .
  • How to develop the talents of the child (ed.) A. Mathisen and Red.
  • Cuddles and rhymes G.Baronchielli-C.Carpi Germans Ginta and Kids. Children
  • difficult, scary, sad and restless H. Köhler Nature and Culture.
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of good parent D. Chopra Sperling Paperback ed.
  • The grammar of fantasy G. Rodari Einaudi.
  • The dance of the year S. Cattaneo - M. Conte Daelli ed.
  • books crafts
"For the children" :
  • The tales of the Brothers Grimm
  • books Nicoletta Costa
  • books with beautiful illustrations of Nature
  • album of photographs of their families and taken from us parents (other subjects)
A note on the books of N. Costa: the illustrations are easily copied that to those who are unfamiliar with the pencil (like me ...), can be convenient and the stories are simple and nice.

Maybe a list is a bit 'low, but the beauty of our time (one of few - and excuse the cynicism that sometimes comes over me) is that we have a magic ball modern INTERNET!
great deal of material that I use at school is taken right from blogs and other sites that I follow (perhaps those specific to English).

However, at the end of everything, is always the affection that we send to our puppies, through words and gestures that will help them grow and if we did a good job , us and we'll know when we will be their big ...

A hug and see you soon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Does Rp-ht Stands For


little while ago I found this cute blog.
This is the book of touch and is also a giveaway ...

Wow ... Speaking of distances ...
The great thing is that the comments he wants the dialect!
Congratulations to the author-blogger!

Open Basketball Gymes In Marlboro New Jersey

Distances ...

Today it seems really spring!
This morning while hanging clothes in the open air, I heard them arrive ... Sheep! !
Yes, every year come to graze (or rather browsing) in the fields near my vineyard, not far from my house.
I heard the ringing of bells ... I came running home and told Nahele: "They're here! Quick, let's see them!" So we took the bike and went.
How exciting! We also managed to stroke a white kid (because in addition to sheep, there were a horse, goats and two donkeys with their children!).
It came from Bergamo!

After lunch later, I found some interesting things about Station Celeste :
The first video made me think "ok, I'm ready! Times !!!"; are the right ones the second one "Oh my God, I have to move! There is no time to lose!" It 's amazing how, looking in the pantry, I have realized that all I really need to use oil: bio stuff is not! Everything, if only to be transported, required the use of oil ... 'S terrible ... No one thinks, but it's so ...
So what to do? ... Move to create your own garden by itself, to break down the " distances" in the broadest sense, though:
  • between us and the Earth
  • between us and the food
  • between us and neighbors
  • between us and our Soul.

Just this morning, upon rising, my husband and I reflect that in the beginning we SEED, our Soul is the seed, and our seed, from time to time, we take different forms at different times .. .
A seed ... In fact, if we take a purely scientific discussion, since we are born seed dad, no ?!?...
However, this may explain the second when he says Steiner, our evolution in the four kingdoms of nature: the first mineral, then vegetable, then animal and then human ...
would explain, I think, because we are most attracted by a flower or a plant rather than another, or more attracted to an animal rather than another ...

Spring is coming awakens me more than in years past: I think it is a greater awareness of ongoing change.
I think it's time to make a change crucial to our lives and that of our planet: the return to the simplicity of things, most distances without ...

I embrace you ... in a special way ... (Thanks Elisa !) Here here!

Milena Velba Clip Free

other channel ...

While continuing the work slowly and lazily on the tutorial for Blender Camminolo 2.5., Go have a look at cardboard cores. Since this week begins a special a little 'wave of nostalgia for the older ones, while for others it may be an opportunity to discover chisiamodadoveveniamoecc. It tells the story of a long line of legendary broadcasts of Rai dedicated to animation page (how many know they exist?). Maybe now some enlightened television executive was the idea to revive something like that (and who knows if somewhere in the glass case of Rai is still there). For now it's up to us fans get by, luckily there's YouTube.

not I want to give in to the temptation of nostalgia too. I'm just an observation: the animated film copyright were proposed in the early evening, as an alternative to nazionalpopolare Canzonissima. There were only two channels, in Italy ingenuona seventies of last century, yet one of the two ventured to propose, in peak viewing hours, the refinement and content of the best visual artists in a field incorrectly considered by many to be destined only to Public child.

With all due respect to those who argue that the TV did not function to educate, but for charity, only to entertain, I thought I'd make a small tribute to the TV. We entertain me a little ' educated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vegetable Dishes For Thanksgiving

giveaway of The House on the Prairie

would be great to have a camera for my class ...
One type this ...
In Blog Claudia all the information!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nami And Robin

warmth in winter

party ... gently! Today I give you my recipe for peach jam tart :
  • 200 grams of flour kamut (or one you want)
  • 80 of margarine (or butter or corn oil) 60 g
  • acacia honey (or sugar) 2 egg
  • (optional)
  • 9 grams of cream of tartar (or half a bag of baking powder)
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons milk, soy milk (if necessary) a pinch
  • salt
  • peach jam without sugar to taste
Mix the flour with the baking powder, add the margarine into small pieces and work with your hands until everything is homogeneous.
Then add the honey, egg yolks and a pinch of salt and work well together until a ball is homogeneous: if necessary add some soy milk, but usually if you put the honey, which is liquid, the mixture is homogeneous also .
Let stand in refrigerator at least 20 min.
Heat oven to 200 degrees, placing a bowl with water. Roll out the pastry on a parchment paper and then adapt it to the size of the pan choice. With the mixture trasbordante preparing the decorations (with cookie cutters or by hand, with the imagination). Prick bottom of pastry with a fork in several places (this will prevent that rise up during cooking) and distribute the jam evenly with a fork. Arrange to taste the toppings, and bake at 180 degrees for about 30-35 minutes, until crust is golden.
Allow to cool and serve.

During this period I also did a picture of what a school us to live the winter.

The branch with the goblins of acorns and feathers I did at the beginning of the school year, while the watercolor changes with the seasons (this is the gateway to the class).
I took inspiration here from the blog Our little nest nature of and we also learned the song. And since everything I do love children, it's nice to see that periodically copy these colors in their designs free, without telling them of practice in the combinations of primary and secondary colors ... They already own, not knowing that call me that!
Furthermore, with the end of February, I begin to do proper exercises of color with watercolors, because my husband has built a cabinet with slots for them when they are still wet (do not underestimate your available space!)

This is our "winter framework" puts him next to that of autumn and the end of the school will close all four seasons.

The table seasons in school during this period is still asleep, but here's what done at our house:

In these days of sun you can breathe the bracing air of February, a prelude to the days of the Carnival ...
While " after Candlemas, winter drilling semo "(And the peasants knew long !!!), then we can say that now is a descent to the spring awakening ...

We look with your heart and mind open, but let's enjoy the" last "warmth of the season .

A warm hug to all ...