Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Head For Lanscapes

Sharing for ... Love.

I changed the original picture because, even if it's cold, the first flowers to emerge announce that spring is near ...

Today I absolutely beautiful and important things to tell you that I found!

I start with telling you what happened to me at school Thursday pm: I found that a school employee (Mr. Nicholas) is a Reiki Master .. . I made a micro-activation chacra (which lasts 48 hours ...) and I also turned the stone of rose quartz that (casualmente!!) Wore. From Thursday
are full of energy: I am doing a lot of things (as usual) and positivissima! So much so that I later found Blog Celeste Station, which I follow, this wonderful interview with Ima Sanchez - Nonna Margherita , healer and keeper of the Mayan tradition , raised by his grandmother, who had worked miracles and healing.
"Practice and knows the dance circles the sun, the earth, moon, and the vision quest.
belongs to the indigenous council of elders and is dedicated to plant health and knowledge for the joy that it produces, because it continues to keep farming the land.
When on aircraft and flight attendants give it a new plastic cup, she grabs the first: "No, girl, this ends up to the Mother Earth." Bursting with wisdom and power, is something that can be perceived clearly.
its rituals, like shouting the name of the infant to the ground, to recognize and protect its fruit, are bursts of energy that are good to those who are present, and when you look in the eye and tells you that we are sacred, something moves profound. "
We carry a part of the interview, go to read it entirely here

What is the mission of women ?
teach man to love. When they learned, they will have another way to deal with the woman and mother earth. We must see our bodies as sacred and to know that sex is a sacred act that is the way to make it sweet and fills us with respect. Life comes through this act of love. If you trivialize this, what do you have? Return the sacred power of sexuality change our attitude towards life. When the mind is united to the heart of everything is possible. I want to say something to the world ...
we can use the power of the Great Spirit when they want it. Once you know who you are, your thoughts become reality. I, when I need something, I ask myself. And it works.

... There are many believers who pray to God, and God does not grant.
One thing is begging to order and another to themselves, know what it is' you need. Many employees have become believers, and the spirit is totally free, we must be convinced of this. We were taught to worship instead of worshiping images of ourselves and worship with us.
... We must use our shadow, to be lighter, hone skills, to understand. Then it is easy to treat, to be telepathic and communicate with others, plants, animals. If you decide to live all your skills to do good, life is like.
... My ancestors have left us grandparents custody of knowledge: 'There will come a day when you will return to share in open circles. I believe that the time has arrived.

Maybe a "case" ... but these days my husband has finished reading "Stone Bear" Ann Walker, and is reading "The Mayan Factor" by Jose Arguelles , who to do precisely with the Maya culture and has also written a post ...

In short, the call respect for themselves and for Mother Earth these days is more clear than ever! I feel an incredible change: Love is the only means at our disposal ...
love ourselves, first of all, our "being God" and part of a More ...
respect and reverence for Life ... The Native Americans knew the long ...

Moving on from Veganblog , which now ... (I'm still excited when I think!) I belong I found Greenkika and I thought: "They're stir in the mountains at this time!"

I think the Internet really assist in this: to share and change go hand in hand in our journey toward awareness.

Thanks to all the people I met so far have shared what they are.
Good Sunday to all!


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