This is a character, those who do not easily forget, because of the wisdom that shines only look at him, with much to say ... Hernan Huarache Mamani .
You can see his website here . The thing that I wanted to emphasize is that, looking at photos the "school" that he founded, seem to be made in a Waldorf school !
I think it's fantastic to think that there is a school that teaches " to peace and life " should be granted, no? But apparently it is not so ... The proof is the growing number of people practicing the homeschooling, because they understand that this school system should not be ...
As a teacher of primary school, unfortunately, I realize that the reality of schools should really change: by the municipality are funds for facilities, state laws that protect not come, parents do not come together in co-education, considering the school a "parking" and only one responsible for the education of his son! Well, I can say out loud that in my school and especially in my group (that I know well!), Do not think so and every day we try to make the lives of our children nice, interesting, but also happy! It takes so much to think positive?!? Maybe I'm one of the few lucky people to pay them for something that I like (in fact I could not think of a best job of teaching, by removing naturally be a mother, but this is an 'other page ... ) and then I get up in the morning with the desire and the serenity to go to a place where I meet people with whom I am well, when you love someone and where you want to do well ... I'm not harping on, folks, is the reality in which I live and work, sometimes (often, indeed!) Several hours longer than it should, because I do not mind!
Here ... perhaps a principle of the Mamani lives in our school, right?
In Steiner schools (and sing praises to be exorcised by someone other ...) is the right environment, but of course are the people that make the difference ... just like in school (and as in any other field of work !!!). And my colleagues do not even have that bit of knowledge I have that Steiner!
Usually, in my blog, does not address the arguments of polemic, but this morning I just want to launch and receive a message of reflection on this: education in Italy - or the world? - has to change ... Well, let's do something! .... Well, I think already is moving something ! I parents "thinking the" are those who understand that you have to have give ... What!? Availability change, first in ourselves and then in the reality around him, to get to the city and then the rest ...
The difference between the public and private school does not do the teaching method, but and persons who may apply or not.
Before obtaining the transfer into the school and team in which I had every intention of opening a my school (private), because I was really disgusted by the people with whom I worked, they had a vision of the school that is the typical one described above, passive, pessimistic and flat of school life (and life in general !!!). Then I saw that the school is also more in public buildings and realized I can be myself, so you can give the same "service" without paying parents: a nice savings and a good gain in only once (in all other aspects)!
Of course there are problems, but are best dealt with . And if the small mirrors the large, repeat what was said: be willing to change to change the rest .
It also increases their availability and especially Compare: The blogs are really sharing the precious treasures and sources of inspiration.
I like to think that in addition to the school, the points of concern for the other parents are thinking, as confirmed Elisa , because our world is like Our house: every room should be tidied every day ... But if we do so with the help of someone, do before and with less effort!
good Sunday and a good week to everybody!
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