Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Interview with a consultant from La Leche League

Nahele to 7 months

promised, here is the interview I did for my friend, adviser de La Leche League . ..

Dear Laura, six from the La Leche League consultant and why you decided to become one?
are Consultant in June 2007, I decided to become one after taking part in meetings held in Vigevano by Michael and Silvia C. I left the meeting relieved, relaxed, relaxed. I found a place where you can tell where I felt understood, where I had an extra-terrestrial, no one looked at me wrong when breastfeeding a child of three years from having another give birth soon. I understood
that most of the mothers had my own doubts. The meetings have not only found answers, I found above all the strength and support that allowed me to follow my instincts. I understand that there are rules and protocols with the children, every child is different and every mother is different, there can be no ready-made answers that fit all situations. But if we stop to listen and learn, if we slow down our pace, if we find the courage to follow our hearts, then the road with our son is all downhill. I decided to become a consultant because I wanted to help moms find each its response, the real one, that of his own heart. When mammma and kids fall in love each other then you have happy moms and happy children. Breast-feeding is a means to achieve this goal, he replies, with a single gesture, the basic needs for the child (nutrition, heat, need protection and love) and those of the mother (increased self-esteem, bonding aids, and why not, an aid also finances because the mother's milk is free!). If a consultant in my path I will have helped even one mother and child then it will be worth it.

How much and what did you study to become?
To be eligible for placement I have read and commented on several books (on childbirth, breastfeeding, education, play), I studied the books edited by La Leche League, 2 Libron dedicated healthcare professionals to have the right technical expertise, and then of course "The art of breastfeeding", our best seller!

What do you like best about this picture?
A lot of things, the fact that you always have someone to turn to, in consultation with which to confront the most difficult, the fact that help for free but still in a very professional, ringraziomenti of the mothers and the children's smiles.

What are the most common problems?
... I went to periods of months where there are call me because they want to wean all grown-up children, then maybe it is the period of premature infants, there was the time of children with problems of regurgitation ... . the period of congestion ... many mothers call just to confirm, even after someone shot their judgments serious ("He's 15 months and still suck! become gay!" or "You do not want to let it grow and is glad that you sleep with him in Latvian, but he hurts, you will need a psychologist to be great ") in this case, just listen to them and reassure them ...
is often enough a word, a laugh and his mother alone understands that, behind these sentences, there are only prejudices and founded nothing. Moreover
a mother to her first child is submerged in a flood of tips, all seem to be more competent than she, often call me insecure mothers overwhelmed by doubts and conflicting suggestions. I do not do anything, listen, listen to their worries and auito to understand than it really is all very simple ... the child's needs and the mother does nothing wrong in meeting! Breastfeeding on demand is based on this, and if it is actually conducted "on demand" the mother's womb will calibrate itself and produce exactly the amount needed for your child. We are mammals, we can be instinctive! Sometimes it is really difficult to get across concepts very simple because we have followed all his life plans, schedules, clocks, quantity ... it's so hard to think that our body can alone produce a food so perfect for our baby yet so! The vast majority of mothers can nurse their pups (probably 98%) and most of the problems can be solved with trivial devices. Sometimes you just know that you are not alone, that the emotions you feel are "normal" that the flood of hormones that makes us cry at all after childbirth affects a large percentage of women in different ways to deal with motherhood . read "our" magazine (From Mother to Mother, it is can receive at home by supporting the Association with a minimum of € 30.00) so full of testimonials, letters from mothers who are past, feelings can certainly help to increase self-esteem!

What do you expect for the future?
I really hope that the correct information about breastfeeding is becoming more common, and this thanks to the Internet ... and thanks to La Leche League (our site had in 2010 over 1 million hits!) is already happening!
I hope that every mother will find the support they need, that we return to consider the artificial formula as an excellent substitute to be used as the fourth choice (after the mother's milk "on tap", after the mother's milk and pulled NOT administered by bottle after milk from a milk bank always given with an alternative to bottle feeding, Finally, if these three options are not available, here you will administer the artificial formula).
I also hope that groups like La Leche League, honest, where every penny that enters is registered and where budgets are transparent they survive! We need support (including financial) to enable Leche League to exist, in order to help more mothers, in order to train new consultants in exposed areas and to bring Leche League in nations where it still is not presente.Leche League does not exist to make money, but needs money to exist. I hope they do not touch the 5 x 1000 (Tax Code to support: 98039910173) and more people decide to allocate it to our association!
In April (8-9) at Trevi (PG) meeting there will be an opportunity for consultants to update (and for anyone who is interested), I hope that like last year again this year many are present health professionals!!

Thanks to Laura and to all mothers-consultants LLL!


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