Monday, August 24, 2009

Installing Tile Around New Bathtub

The Death Knight is the story of Ashbringer

few weeks ago I realized that he had never made a Death Knight from the Wrath of the Lich King. Do not get me wrong, I had obviously played in the Beta but it was long ago and the area was full of bugs.

I brought the DK to 68, so I just did the quests in the starting area of \u200b\u200bthe Death Knight. There is no 'need to get down into the details of what I did to DK, as the two videos I had done then do it for me (above), but I want to tell the story from the beginning of the Death Knight.

Death Knights are knights of the alliance or horde killed and resurrected by Arthas as his slave. One of the most important Death Knight is definitely Darion Mograine. It all began with his father, Alexandros Mograine , War found a globe in the hands of a powerful Warlock Horde. Along with other advocates managed to purify the world and there was a sword forged by the dwarves of Ironforge , the sword was called Ashbringer and is probably the only sword that can combat Frostmoure . Alexandros was later killed by his brother Darion, Renault, and was converted into a Death Knight from Kel'Thuzad . The Ashbringer became corrupted ( Corrupted Ashbringer ) Darion until he penetrated to Naxxramas and finally killed his father, then ran for the doorways in the hall of Kel'Thuzad. Shortly after Light's Hope Chapel was attacked by the Scourge. The chapel was a tempting prey to the Scourge, in its secret, in fact, a thousand of the bravest defenders of human bodies were hidden to avoid being converted into servants of Arthas. The battle between the champions of ' Argent Dawn (a compact group consisting of any race who wants to fight the scourge, but the opposite Scarlet Crusade who wants to die but also the scourge of the other races outside of human) and the immense horde of undead was terrible and was won only through the sacrifice of Darion. Kel'Thuzad did manage to take possession of his body and resurrected as a Death Knight .*

This brings us back to Ebon Hold Kniga Death and Wrath of the Lich King. Darion is in fact floating in the structure of Ebon Hold, the Ashbringer with him but again corrupt (see photo above), and takes players to attack New Avalon, a fortress of Scalet Crusade. As a Death Knight, I had to exterminate the humans in this fortress, including citizens Tramanto fear. The best thing about this area is the use of Phasing Technology which allows it to move forward with the story even the setting, so when I helped to destroy the village in front of New Avalon has become an outpost of the Scourge. However, once destroyed New Avalon, the Scourge of the way Light's Hope Chapel is once again free.

The final battle in front of the chapel ends with the arrival of Tirion Fordring . Tirion Darion to reveal that Arthas has sent him to die with his knights only to release him into the open. It therefore appears that Arthas puts into serious difficulties Tirion Darion but manages to pull his Ashbringer (once in the hands of Tirion, the weapon is to be cleansed immediately) with which he hits the Lich King. Arthas disappeared, shouting "This ... Is not Over ..." (di Non ... .. is finite). Tirion keeps the mind control by the Death Knight and founded the ' Argent Crusade, the Argent Dawn union el' Order of the Hand silder (old order of knights in Tirion is a part), to set sail for Northrend and Arthas fight together.

Video showing the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel in a very effective way

From this point the Ahsbringer apparterà to Tirion, who will be in Northrend, more precisely to ' Silver Tournament to try to work against the Horde and the Alliance Arthas. The Death Knight will return to each member of their faction, immediately after completing a fun quest where you must bring the letter to the King of Stormwind Tirion (or if you are Horde Thrall) to be accepted into the Alliance (or in ' Horde). E 'was really fun cross Stormwind with people behind me shouting things like "Monster" or "Murder!" and pulled me on so many beautiful tomatoes and bananas so many beautiful (see photo below). The obvious thing is over when Varian read the letter and I agreed in the Alliance, but it would have been funny if the inhabitants had continued to hold a grudge.

* The story of Alexandros Mograine at this point is told in detail and in a very nice cartoon on the "World of Warcraft Ashbringer" distributed in Italy by Panini. You can buy it and see the details on the official website of Panini to this address.


In a secret base of DK in New Avalon, I met Tharassian. A DK I remember a quest in Northrend ( this post).


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