King Varian Wrynn, the King of Stormwind
Some time ago I wrote about a Lellol 'article on King Varian Wrynn and his mysteriously disappearing. Since I have discovered new things on this subject and would be more appropriate to write the article here, rewrite the whole by adding new information.
Many players should know that the King of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn was a lot of time away from the throne. In the circumstances it is very mysterious disappeared while traveling to Theramore for a diplomatic meeting with the Horde, which would be discussed at a definite peace between the two factions. In its place in the real room (in the castle of Stormwind) was his son, Anduin Wrynn , a small child of 10 years with a torch in hand, flanked by bolvir Fordragon (Superintendent) and Lady Katran Prestor . Through quests for Onyxia attunement to be discovered that Lady Katran was nothing less than the human aspect of draghessa Onyxia . (Onyxia is the daughter of Deathwing : the new supervillain Cataclysm, the third expansion of World of Warcraft in so I talked about Lellol ). doing some research, I discovered that the beloved king had disappeared earlier in the prisoner ' Island Alcazar off Theramore . Some of this research led to the king's lost, but the chain was not complete and stops before you save the king, after an investigation that brought to light the circumstances under which he had been kidnapped.
E ' the official World of Warcraft comic to explain what has happened Varian to detail. Through a narrative arc that goes from number 1 to 14 of the comic (something many Americans, the Italians have two American number) you find that Defias , thieves that populate the surrounding territories and Stormwind have their abode in Deadmines , attacked and kidnapped Varian, bringing their island Alcazar where Onyxia / Katran expected. Onyxia wanted at all costs to control the kingdom of Stormwind and why it was willing to do anything. With a spell Onyxia Varian managed to split into two separate individuals: one individual bears all the weaknesses of Varian and the other hand contained his fighting spirit. Katran But, she thought of being on a desert island, was interrupted by a sudden attack of Naga . The two Varian awoke and began to fight; Lo'Gosh , the Varian fighting, managed to escape by throwing rocks into the sea while the other remained a prisoner of Varian Naga on the island for some time.
time after he returned to Stormwind Varian weak by the payment of a ransom, then Katran managed to continue his plan and make the mind of the king. Meanwhile, a Lo'Gosh without memory awoke on a beach in Durotar as a gladiator and was captured by Rehg Earthfury with Broll Bearmantle and Valeera Bleed . The three, after an escape and a long journey, arrived in Theramore, where Jaina Proudmoore Lo'Gosh revealed to others that could not be if not the king of Stormwind in person. While he was traveling to Stormwind, Marshall Windsor Lo'Gosh saved from Blackrock Mountain. He revealed the true identity of Katran and together they came to Stormwind.
The two Varian accuse each other of being impostors, but fought Onyxia together, but this managed to escape with Anduin. Jaina helped the two Varian to unlock their memory, so they remembered the obscure incantation of Onyxia and to be the same individual. Together they marched on the lair of Onyxia and fought the huge dragon with Jaina, Broll, Valeera and other brave warriors of Stormwind and Ironforge. Onyxia, when pressed, tried to eliminate Lo'Gosh the same magic spell that had stopped on the naga Alcazar. Varian threw himself in front of Lo'Gosh, sacrificing himself to save life, but the spell is reversed and made them return to a single individual. Varian, full back, defeated Onyxia and saved his son.
From issues 16 to 28 (not sure that they are all over 28) of the World of Warcraft comic begins a new story arc that has to do with half and half Dreanea ogress called Garona. While the first story arc focuses on the Alliance, the second should focus more sull'orda. In Italy has only been released the first volume of this story arc (the eighth issue), but Varian and his companions appear to remain even if the protagonists were added a lot of other actors, such as Thrall and Rehg Earthfury . To address this
(Official Website Sandwiches) find information on all the number of World of Warcraft comic, including release dates, availability for purchase online and cards.
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