Monday, August 24, 2009

Aflac Maturnity Claims

Crusader's Coliseum

Patch 3.2. was released a few weeks and the Crusader's Coliseum was completed. Its imposing structure stands firmly in the ice of Icecrown. Tirion Fordring organized the tournament to gather the most valiant heroes and to try to work the Alliance and the Horde, more and more on the brink of a fourth war. Soon Icecrown Citadel will be attacked and the tournament is a great way to prepare soldiers.

Ok, this was a small impromptu introduction ... We pass to more interesting things. Since the new patch came out i spend most of the time the Argent Tournamet daily and try to do some new things. All around the new Coliseum has gathered a large crowd of people, animals and heroes. At the entrance of the Coliseum can be seen regularly Thrall and Hellscream Garrosh come and then also King Varian and Jaina Proudmoore sit in the stands.

There are a couple of groups of new Daily Quest, but they are only unlockable with the Achievement and I managed to unlock only one (among the other only yesterday).

A new chain of quests to discover that the normal Black Knight (who I previously defeated) was resurrected as undead by the Cult of the Damned (fatal in the service of Kel'Thuzad).

I also tried the new 5-player dungeons, Trial of the Champion, which is held in the Crusader's Coliseum, where they must fight and add more bosses that come one after another. Interesting is the first boss, where you must fight with horse and lance against a group of Ordos. At some point the tournament is interrupted by the arrival of the Black Knight kills the host of the tournament and do battle with us. It 's very funny dies as a second, third, fourth time and continues to fight, shouting things like "I do not need bones to kill you!" After having killed her ghost, dies ... only final but I like to think that his spirit still follow us shouting "Come back here! I have not finished with you."
Another thing is that the dungeon pretty much on the sidelines of the tournament you can see Thrall and Hellscream Garrosh one hand, King Varian and Jaina Proudmoore by the opposite one. Tirion Fordring instead sits in the center of the bleachers.

The new raid, Trial of the Crusader, it also takes him into the arena but they told me that for the last boss, suddenly, it breaks the floor of the tournament and you fall into a cave where you must fight against Anub'arak , the spider's personal Arthas. I just tried partially mode 10, so I'll talk another time ...


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