I think almost all WoW players are very excited about the innovations that will Cataclysm. But who has not stopped a moment to think more or less concerned about what will happen we all'Azeroth learned about all these years? E 'this concern that prompted me to start the project Save Azeroth.
What 'Project Save Azeroth? A collection of thousands of screenshots, all captured in World of Warcraft. There 's a screenshot for every corner of World of Warcraft (or almost).
What are the objectives?
"Save" the old Azeorth. That is, capturing all the rooms for them to remember as they are now, first of Cataclysm, this is especially true for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.
to compare in detail the older areas, with their new version, once you exit Cataclysm.
Save Azeroth is also important for a personal reason. A couple of years ago I lost my album kept screenshot (hard drive crash), in which the project is a kind of redemption.
Save Project Azeroth contains screenshots of all places? But everyone? There are screenshots of all regions, capital, batteground, arenas and dungeons. This applies to all continents: Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend. The project is complete? Currently, work is well advanced. The capitals are completed and batteground and the regions there are only some of Northrend. The dungeons are still in a lot behind. Here are the official data continuously updated. The project is more or less finished in the coming days there may be a small addition. Yes, now the project is completed.
State total: 100% Total Number of screenshots: 19 517
Batteground completed: 6 / 6 Arenas completed: 5 / 5 Capital completed : 10/10 Regions completed: 62/62 Regions of Eastern Kingdoms completed: 25/25 Regions of Kalimdor completed: 20/20 regions of Outland completed: 7 / 7 regions of Northrend completed : 10/10 Dungeon completed: 75/75 dungeon Eastern Kingdoms completed: 19/19 Dungeon Kalimdor completed: 15/15 Dungeons of Outland completed: 18 / 18 Northrend Dungeon completed: 23/23
Save Project As you see Azeroth? Just click on the link at the bottom post to enter. We have to face a series of albums, there's' one for each region, cities, dungeons, arena batteground and in-game. Albums are in alphabetical order, and are preceded by a label. For example, the album contains screenshots Azshara is called Kalimdor - Azhar, one containing the screenshots of Stormwind is called "Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Stormwind. Here is the complete index of the albums in Project Save Azeroth:
Save Azeorth (album containing maps of the world and the loading screens) Arena (Eastern Kingdoms) - Ruins of Lordaeron Arena (Kalimdor) - Ring of Valor Arena (Northrend) - Dalaran Arena Arena (Outland) - Circle of Blood Arena (Outland) - Ring of Trials BattleGround (Eastern Kingdoms) - Alterac Valley BattleGround (Eastern Kingdoms) - Arathi Basin BattleGround (Kalimdor) - Warsong Gulch BattleGround (Northrend) - Isle of Conquest BattleGround (Northrend) - Strand of the Ancients BattleGround (Outland) - Eye of the Storm Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Ironforge Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Silvermoon City Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Stormwind Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Thunder Bluff Capital City (Eastern Kingdoms) - Undercity Capital City (Kalimdor) - Darnassus Capital City (Kalimdor) - Exordar Capital City (Kalimdor) - Orgrimmar Capital City (Northrend) - Dalaran Capital City (Outland) - Shattrath City Eastern Kingdoms - Alterac Mountains Eastern Kingdoms - Arathi Highlands Eastern Kingdoms - Badlands Eastern Kingdoms - Blasted Lands Eastern Kingdoms - Burning Steppes Eastern Kingdoms - Deadwing Pass Eastern Kingdoms - Dum Morogh Eastern Kingdoms - Duskwood Eastern Kingdoms - Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms - Elwynn Forest Eastern Kingdoms - Eversong Woods Eastern Kingdoms - Ghostlands Eastern Kingdoms - Hillsbrad foothills Eastern Kingdoms - Loch Modan Eastern Kingdoms - Quel'Danas Eastern Kingdoms - Redridge Mountains Eastern Kingdoms - Searing Gorge Eastern Kingdoms - Silverpine Forest Eastern Kingdoms - Stranglethorn Vale Eastern Kingdoms - Swamp of Sorrow Eastern Kingdoms - The Hinterlands Eastern Kingdoms - Tirisfal Glades Eastern Kingdoms - Western Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms - Westfall Eastern Kingdoms - Wetlands Kalimdor - Ashenvale Kalimdor - Azshara Kalimdor - Azuremyst Isle Kalimdor - Bloodmyst Isle Kalimdor - Darkshore Kalimdor - Desolace Kalimdor - Durotar Kalimdor - Dustwallw Marsh Kalimdor - Felwood Kalimdor - Feralas Kalimdor - Moonglade Kalimdor - Mulgore Kalimdor - Silithus Kalimdor - Stonetalon Mountains Kalimdor - Tanaris Kalimdor - Teldrassil Kalimdor - The Barrens Kalimdor - Thousand Needles Kalimdor - Un'Goro Crater Kalimdor - Winterspring Northrend - Borean Tundra Northrend - CrystalSong Forest Northrend - Dragonblight Northrend - Grizzly Hills Northrend - Howling Fjord Northrend - IceCrown Northrend - Sholazar Basin Northrend - Storm Peaks Northrend - Wintergrasp Northrend - Zul'Drak Outland - Blade's Edge Mountains Outland - Hellfire Peninsula Outland - Nagrand Outland - Netherstorm Outland - Shadowmoon Valley Outland - Terrokar Forest Outland – Zangarmarsh Characters (le schermate di creazione delle varie razze) Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Deadwind Pass Crypt (precedentemente era possibile entraci sfruttando un bug) Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Dun Morogh Airfield Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Elwynn Forest Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Gilneas Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Old Ironforge Closed Places (Eastern Kingdoms) - Stormwind Vault Closed Places (Kalimdor) - Mount Hyjal (in precedenza era possibile entrarci sfruttando un bug) Closed Places - Emerald Dream Closed Places - GM Island Closed Places - Old Outland (rimossa dal gioco dopo TBC) Closed Places - Others Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Blackrock Depths Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Blackwing Lair Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Deadmines Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Gnomeregan Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Karazhan Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Lower Blackrock Spire Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Molten Core Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Magisters' Terrace Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Scarlet Monastery Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Scholomance Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Shadowfang Keep Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Stockade Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Stratholme Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Sunwell Plateau Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Temple of Atal'Hakkar Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Uldaman Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Upper Blackrock Spire Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Zul'Aman Dungeon (Eastern Kingdoms) - Zul'Gurub Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Battle for Mount Hyjal (Hyjal Summit) Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Blackfathom Deeps Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Culling of Stratholme (Old Stratholme) Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Dire Maul Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Escape from Durnholde Keep (Old Hillsbrand Foothills) Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Maraudon Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Onyxia's Lair Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Opening the Dark Portal (Black Morass) Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Ragefire Chasm Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Razorfen Downs Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Razorfen Kraul Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Wailing Caverns Dungeon (Kalimdor) - Zul'Farrak Dungeon (Northrend) - Ahn'kahet The Old Kingdom Dungeon (Northrend) - Azjol-Nerub Dungeon (Northrend) - Drak'Tharon Keep Dungeon (Northrend) - Eye of Eternity Dungeon (Northrend) - Forge of Souls (ICC) Dungeon (Northrend) - Gundrak Dungeon (Northrend) - Halls of Lightning Dungeon (Northrend) - Halls of Reflection (ICC) Dungeon (Northrend) - Halls of Stone Dungeon (Northrend) - Icecrown Citadel Dungeon (Northrend) - Naxxramas Dungeon (Northrend) - Obsidian Sanctum Dungeon (Northrend) - Oculus Dungeon (Northrend) - Pit of Saron (ICC) Dungeon (Northrend) - The Nexus Dungeon (Northrend) - Trial of the Champion Dungeon (Northrend) - Trial of the Crusader Dungeon (Northrend) - Ulduar Dungeon (Northrend) - Utgarde Keep Dungeon (Northrend) - Utgarde Pinnacle Dungeon (Northrend) - Vault of Archavon Dungeon (Northrend) - Violet Hold Dungeon (Outland) - Arcatraz Dungeon (Outland) - Auchenai Crypts Dungeon (Outland) - Black Temple Dungeon (Outland) - Blood Furnace Dungeon (Outland) - Botanica Dungeon (Outland) - Gruul's Lair Dungeon (Outland) - Hellfire Ramparts Dungeon (Outland) - Magtheridon's Lair Dungeon (Outland) - Mana Tombs Dungeon (Outland) - Mechana Dungeon (Outland) - Serpentshrine Cavern Dungeon (Outland) - Sethekk Halls Dungeon (Outland) - Shadow Labyrinth Dungeon (Outland) - Slave Pens Dungeon (Outland) - Shattered Halls Dungeon (Outland) - Steamvault Dungeon (Outland) - The Eye Dungeon (Outland) - Underbog
Ok, I think I have said everything you need. Below is the link to access the Save Project Azeroth!
Technical Notes: Project Save Azeorth is complete, However, there may be still small additions. Not all the screenshots were taken by myself, with regard to the dungeon most of the screenshots have been captured by staff. The screenshots were captured in-game, World of Warcraft using the same program to catch. The screenshots are in Full HD 1080p (1920x1080) with all graphics settings at maximum (including aliasing). The client version of World of Warcraft in which they were captured screenshots is 3.3.3. Exceptions are a few screenshots captured or previously imported some few screenshots from the web. Save Project Azeroth is hosted by the service Picasa Web Albums from Google.
Update (January 1, 2011) Save Project Azeroth is also available on Battlecraft.it at this address . On the official Blizzard fan site has also published a my interview, where he explained how it was done the project.
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