Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Doctor Letter To Patients

Flashback: Onyxia!

With the patch 3.2.2 came back to lord it over one of the most famous boss of World of Warcraft, Onyxia! In fact, the difficulty is not even comparable to that of the version for 60 levels, but, by Blizzard, not a bad idea quellla all of us back in that cave full of memories.

Personally I have not played much the end game of WoW classic, right at the time I did the dragon in Duskwood, Onyxia (unable to kill her) and URBS. But to Onyxia are particularly fond of because it was my first raid.

I can still clearly remember the moment: level 60, dressed in green stuff, there on that same ramp you see to the top post, surrounded by 30 guild members at various levels over the head with the words "Nemesys, squatting in front of us Onyxia waiting. Only now almost three years since then ... They were my last days on the Kilrogg server, the time I knew almost nothing about the game and what I would expect, but the penalty was aware of the existence of the raid.

Well, time is over for the memories, we return to talk of Onyxia. The fight has not changed much in the past (in fact I do not remember almost anything but my guild is) ... Very briefly held as follows: First stage
  • , Onyxia ground, tank across the room. Tank and Spank, paying attention to her tail which lifts people out.
  • Stage , Onyxia in flight. It all goes in the center, Melee AoE on the dragons are coming, the continue to do damage Ranged DPS on Onyxia. At one point Onyxia cast Deep Breath , a fiery blast that kills all those who are below or in front of her. In practice you have to look where he is facing Onyxia and move the sides to not get caught (taking the Deep Breath is equivalent to certain death). At this stage there is' a small novelty of appearing from time to time add large (in practice equal to the mob in the corridor to get to Onyxia), nothing serious, it is tanking and kill quietly.
  • Stage , Onyxia back to earth. Another time, Tank and Spank, there 'not even enrage.

As I said The fight is very easy in both 10-in version of 25 (Heroic versions are not there). The loot is not particularly interesting, even if they are level 245, most are useless. However, it is wrong to visit Onyxia once a week.

Dishwasher Cleaning Ingredients

Trial of the Crusader

are a lot of days I keep telling myself "I must write something about TOC, and then remind me not to have any desire or / and time do so. As part yet so I have to tell you about what happens in entering the Crusader's Coliseum through the north door with a group of 25 people.

The situation just entered is not dissimilar to that of Trial of the Champion. There is in the same arena, with the same audience. The raid has 5 bosses in the last surprise (a bit like Trial of the Champion where comes the Black Knight in reality).

Northrend Beasts

It 's the first meeting of the raid and is formed by three different Miniboss arriving a after the other without stopping.
  • Miniboss The first is to enter the arena Gormok the Impaler, a Magnataur (I would say a cross between a mammoth gorilla). The combat is simple, just move the heat (it appears randomly in a pg) and kill small Snobold jumping from the back of the boss on top of a character and pull the hair badly happened (ie, making damage). The second includes Miniboss
  • Acidmaw and Dreadscale , two ugly Vermona. First and then kills himself Acidmaw Deadscale. The only difficulty is that those who run on fire (it looks like a circle of fire around pg) when you are poisoned. The boss must be tanked by two tanks and kept his back to the boss.
  • The third and final Miniboss Icehowl is, the gigantic Yeti. It 'an interesting boss because it regularly beats the whole raid against the wall of the arena and charge a random player who absolutely must run sideways to avoid the gore (even those close to him has to move). If someone goes to pick a boss enrage you need to immediately quelled by a Hunter with tranquilizing shot, if you do not pick no one is stunned for a few seconds.

Lord Jaraxxus

enters the arena a tiny gnomes very funny warlock summons a powerful Doom Guard, Lord Jaraxxus. Unfortunately for the gnomes, the Doomguard proved greater than his ability control and, after killing his evocative, battle waged against us.

The boss is easy. In short we must treat those who have the most Incinerate Flesh , moving toward the wall when you have the Flame Legion (which brings up a pool of green fire in the pg / 1 sec), kill the Mistress when evoked and the same goes for Hell .

Faction Champions

When the fight with Jaraxxus, Tirion Fordring hard to keep calm and King Varian Garrosh Hellscream (who meanwhile have begun to bicker because of Karaxxus, the unforgettable "As pig" that screams Varian). How Tirion says, " The tournament must go on! . Once ready, Tirion begins his speech but was interrupted by that exalted Garrosh defying the alliance. A handful of samples horde jump from the stands and positions in a corner of the arena. (Of course if the raid is Ordos,

This fight was very difficult because the Ordos were not tauntabili and went around to random people Shotta. Now that you have made them tautabili has become almost a crap. The only thing that remains very important is to kill the healer first dispelled being very careful to stop treatment.

Twin Val'kyr

After the hard work for the Champion Faction you can breathe a sigh of relief because the Twin Val'kyr are much easier and fun.

The raid should be split into two balanced groups, one group took the white and buff kills Val'kyr black and the other takes the buff black and white Val'kyr kills. The buff blacks and whites take simply by clicking on one of the four portals that appear when you start the event.
Periodically look of black balls and white lined the walls of the arena who are heading to the raid, as many balls as a group take more damage than the other receives. If you want you can take those balls that you own (white if you are white, black if it was blacks) to get the stack to help but not necessary. In addition to this the ability to make 2 Val'kyr case every 30 seconds.
  • Shield of Darkness / Lights : Val'Kyr is one of the shield and start casting a cure. The entire raid to do damage on her, so who needs to change the face color. For example, if the shield is white, all blacks must become and do damage on her. The cast lasts 15 seconds, you do enough damage to destroy the shield and stop in time or by 20%.
  • Dark / Light Vertex : one of the two Val'kyr begins to cast this skill. The cast takes 5 seconds, by which time the entire raid must be the same color Val'kyr it is brown. In practice, if the white caste the vortex, the group that has the debuff black has 5 seconds to touch the white portal. Who does not change color in time dies within a few seconds.


The tournament has finished and we Tirinion proclaims winners or maybe not ... Arthas appears suddenly in the middle of the Coliseum, and recalls that Tirion Neburiani have built an empire under the ice of Northrend, an empire on which the Coliseum was built ("An empire That you so foolishly built upon your structures. MY EMPIRE.") . Arthas hits the floor at the center of the arena and it breaks into pieces making us fall into a deep ice cave. Fortunately, we landed in a puddle of water, even if we hear a dark voice say, "Ahhh ... Our guests goodbye, just as the master Promised." and you realize you have fallen into one of the halls of the underground Nerubian empire and in the presence of the same Anub'arak, the spider friend of Arthas, and the king of the Nerubian.

Anub'arak and the room where the fight takes place

The fight is much more complicated than previous and a little more difficult. It has three phases:

In the first and second phase, one of the ranged (usually a hunter, lately I always do I) must be almost all the time to hit the ball / ice clouds that flutter over the room. The balls have 9000 HP and when they fall they leave a patch of ice on the ground that goes away only if the boss hit by spikes in phase 2. The ice is used in phase 1 in order not to go under the earth's add, in phase 2 to take no damage the boss is out of the ground with his spikes.

Step One, where the melee on the boss can do more damage and kill the first couple of renged add that appears. In Phase 4 appear to be tanked by two add offtank, we kill the first two to avoid the risk that the tank die.

Step Two, the boss goes underground and appear continually add little that can be killed easily. We must also kill the adds left over from step 1. The key part of this phase 4 is that everyone is on the ice, in fact, the boss turns to the room of the ground, stabbing at random players that if they do not get on the ice damage is very high and most of the time they die. (Actually the first seeks a player then goes against continuing to pass on the ground from under the ground)

Step Three, begins when the boss gets to 30% of life. All the raid moves to do damage on the boss and try to pull it down as soon as possible. The boss at this stage inevitably give up all-area, the healer must be careful to treat but not too much, in fact, more than the life of the raid is low, unless the boss and more care goes down fast.

The Crusader's Coliseum seen from the underground cavern

We also did the new boss in Wintergrasp, Koralon the Flame Watcher. It is very difficult and Droppa 2 Emblems of Triumph. Practically the only thing to be careful and dodge the small circles of fire when you appear as the character.

While we've added the video of the Trial of Champions. E 'in the full version Heroic istance;)


Ok, this has nothing to do but I noticed that if you enter the Colosseum from outside (ie without going into any istance but once inside). They are the stands empty and the arena full of Enchanted Broom cleaning up the floor for good. There 's even a broom and a garbage boy who regularly goes to squeeze in a bucket!

Sound Driver Dell Gx 620 Win 7

LFG Heroic Daily

Chalcifer to Culling of Stratholme, in the form peeled (do not know why I become bald from human OO), which makes the cheese man

With the story that T9 and other pieces to ilvl 245 can be taken with Emblem of Triumph, I started to do the Daily Heroic . The first time I heard that the emblems of the Triumph were also given by the Daily Heroic, there have been very bad (in fact I thought that only those who had a long time he could take better equip).
Instead I had to change my mind, the Heroic in turn is done in half an hour at most (with a found in the Looking for Group) and the system is able to move forward in a pg a bit more varied, but consistently asking not obstinacy. Having done a few dungeons in Northrend, I found the perfect opportunity to explore better and excuse to take those 30 minutes in the early afternoon to distract me. Although each day I hope that both daily and yet it does not happen Oculos mine. I have never set foot in this Istance because nobody wants it, everybody says that they have the nausea and meanwhile my quest dungeons Oculos expected to be completed by something like six months.

Magnificent skit Started Culling of Straholm

Since Nemea, CL (Class Leader) of the Hunter in my guild, he left, we are only 2 active and Hunter TOC beak loot us than we can afford in terms of EpGp (DKP once were, in practice, are points which take into account in the raid guild killing bosses in raid accumulate and spend taking loot). Among the loot
TOC 25 and took the team with the emblems of the Triumph have already managed to accumulate a lot of pieces with Item Level 245 or 232: shoulder pads, helmet, bracelets, pants, two rings and spring!
My appearance has changed significantly in recent days.



course the crossbow TOC, Talonstrike , I managed to take just a few days after the much-desired Siren 's Cry that actually managed to take only after Giant's Bane (I hate guns, I love the arches, so, given that no one needed, I took the Siren's Cry though is equal to the Giant's Bane). Absurd that damn bow is released only when it was no use to anyone.

View from the platform of the third boss in Nexus (Heroic)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Popular Bead Bracelets Colors Meanings

Cuisine, Travel and Reputation

One of the screenshots made to the collection (sky of Nagrand)

Lately I have given a little to be done to achieve several goals:
  • Be Exalted with all the capitals of the covenant (so they can take the mount, the achievements and unlock the daily Argent Tournament).
  • Skille Fishing and Cooking (so I could make the food in the raid, without having to spend a lot in AH).
  • Create a collection of Azertoh to capture Screenshots before the Cataclysm.
Because these three objectives all require me to return to the same places (the old continents) have made progress with everyone.

The cursed book and I'm talking about the Centaur

Before long I reached Exalted with all the capitals of the alliance just doing quests in the departure areas of the various races. I must say that I thought would have been more 'boring, but I even found a few quests, I had not done, very interesting. For example I found in Darkshore cursed by a book that when I went over to read it, was released one arm that I hit and thrown to the ground! (A scene very ironic and mood I guess.)
Nearby I also help a centaur, I was amazed at the beauty of its animation (jumping merrily when he ran), I think it would be a playable race very interesting (do not need to mount ^ ^).

Going to Cooking and Fishing. Cooking I really liked it and still I have it at 350. Fishing is truly a profession rather obscene! It made me nervous until 225, when desperate, I dumped forever. It 's really crazy that serve 8-9 Persche to make a point (I do not think those who are more' below), if I had not the fear of being banned I would have definitely used a bot. Unfortunately Fishing is good for Cooking, but I do not care anymore. -_-

As for my plans to make a big collection of Screenshot for Azertoh (as well as the Outland) before the Cataclysm, slowly but well. For now I created all the folders, put the maps and included more than 2500 screeshots (especially regarding the departure areas, which are passed to the reputation and fishing / cooking). The main reasons that led me to want to create this collection are about a year ago I lost my old album of screenshots (there were a few thousand and I wanted-_-) and wants to "save" the old areas will be transformed with Cataclysm.

Another collection of screnshots fact par (a tower in Darkshore)